
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 經濟學帝國主義抑或行動理論的重建:對社會學理性選擇理論的反思
卷期 49
並列篇名 Economics Imperialism or Reconstructing Action Theory: Reflections on the Sociological Rational Choice Theory
作者 吳鴻昌
頁次 109-157
關鍵字 理性選擇理論經濟學帝國主義社會學理論微觀與鉅觀的連結rational choice theoryeconomics imperialismsociological theorymicro-macro linkTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.3966/168451532014060049003




This article evaluates the rational choice theories from the perspectives of sociological theory. A central argument of this article is that the rational choice programs are heterogeneous, so the sociological rational choice theories, which have revised the core assumptions of neoclassical economics, can’t be regarded as “economics imperialism.” In order to treat the rational choice theories impartially, this article evaluates them from the internal and external theoretical criticism of neoclassical economics and the sociological rational choice theories, and also argues that there are critical problems of the rational choice programs in many ways: the verification of their propositions, the concept of rationality, the inclusion of emotions and norms, the mechanisms of micro-macro link, and the emergence of social order. In conclusion, this article suggests that the proposals of ration choice theories to sociologize the rational choice theories and to unify social sciences may be defeated.
