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篇名 金門傀儡戲班傳承與發展之研究
卷期 4
並列篇名 A Research on the Inheritance and Developments of Hand Puppetry in Kinmen
作者 楊忠洵林本源
頁次 105-123
關鍵字 民俗技藝懸絲傀儡傳統文化金門Folk performing arthand puppetrytraditional cultureKinmen
出刊日期 201403




The research explores the inheritance and developments of hand puppetry in Kinmen. Interviewing is adopted to conduct the whole research. We interviewed the targets to find out the inheritance context and summarize the developments of hand puppetry.The research found that origin of Kinmen hand puppetry dated back to mid Ching Dynasty. The skills and knowledge of hand puppetry are passed on by instructing orally. The main obstacles hinder the developments of hand puppetry are low pay, lack of career development, less improvements in performing. The traditional culture has been gradually forgotten in high-technology era.
