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篇名 國小學童游泳課學習策略與學習成效之研究
卷期 4
並列篇名 Research on Learning strategies and Results in Elementary school Swim Class–Exemplified by Elementary School
作者 董燊葉炳煙
頁次 093-104
關鍵字 游泳教學學習策略學習成效swimming teachinglearning strategylearning effect
出刊日期 201403


本研究目的在於瞭解金門縣某國小學童游泳學習策略與學習成效之相關情形,並分析不同背景變項的學童對游泳課學習策略與學習成效之差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,以101 學年度就讀於金門縣某國民小學五六年級的學童為對象,以學童游泳課學習策略量表與學習成效量表為研究工具,共發放90 份問卷,回收83 份有效問卷,有效量表回收率為92 %。資料分析採用描述性統計、皮爾遜積差相關分析。研究結果如下:一、性別在游泳課學習策略與學習成效中未達顯著差異。二、年級與有參與游泳運動社團在游泳課學習策略與學習成效中達顯著差異。三、金門縣某國小學童游泳課學習策略與學習成效有顯著正相關。


The purpose of this research is to understand the learning strategies and outcomes in students of elementary school in Kinmen, and thereby to analyze different background variables that contributed to students’ learning strategies and their outcomes.
The research was conducted by questionnaire targeted the students in the 5th and 6th grades in the year 2013. The research tool is the, “Student Learning Strategies and Results Scale in Swim Class.” 90 copies of the questionnaires were issued with 83 effective copies being returned, thus set the effective collecting ratio at 92%. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and Pearson’s Product-moment Correlation.
The results of this research are: 1. Students’ sex did not have significant correlation to their learning strategies and outcomes, 2. The learning strategies and outcomes of students who had previous experience in swim clubs and students’ grade reached a significant deviation and 3. There was a positive correlation between the learning strategies and their outcomes that could be found in the students of elementary school.
