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篇名 金門地區兩岸政經事務專業大學生賽局猜測能力之研究
卷期 4
並列篇名 A Study of the Game Theory Guessing Ability of the University Students Majoring the Cross-strait Political and Economic Affairs in Kinmen
作者 紀博棟
頁次 075-091
關鍵字 兩岸政經事務賽局理論金門地區經濟教育Cross-strait Political and Economic AffairsGame TheoryKinmenEconomic Education
出刊日期 201403


賽局理論猜測能力非常重要。本研究在賽局理論分析研究途徑下,主要採文獻分析、理論推演、測驗調查等研究方法,進行統計與詮釋分析。除了將有關文獻之猜測數字賽局測驗模型加以修改,並以數學推導其Nash 均衡解。也針對已修習兩岸政經事務課程之大學生進行施測。經統計分析發現猜對數字與填寫Nash 均衡解之人數增加,以及二次施測之數據顯著地差異,其原因可能是經講解賽局知識後再施測,使這些受測學生明顯地增加賽局猜測能力。所以,填答數字與賽局知識具備後提升能力可能有關。亦即,賽局猜測能力經由教授後是可能提升的,間接推知經濟教育之必要性。尤其是以兩岸政經為專業之大學生,擁有專業賽局猜測能力是絕對有其必要性。


The game theory guessing ability is very important. In this study, adopting game theory research approach to research. And this study has used literature analysis, theoretical deduction, test surveys and other research methods to do statistical analyses and to interpret research problems. In addition to modify the relevant game model and derive the Nash equilibrium. And testing the guessing ability of the university students majoring the cross-strait political and economic affairs in Kinmen. The statistical analysis revealed guessed correct numbers and fill in Nash equilibrium have increased. The outcomes of two tests are significantly differences. The reason may be explained by teaching game theory knowledge could increase the game theory guessing ability. It also could indirect find out the necessity of economic education. Therefore, the university students majoring the cross-strait political and economic affairs have the game theory guessing ability is absolutely necessary.
