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篇名 情緒勞務工作者與人力資源管理措施:整合分析觀點
卷期 4
並列篇名 Emotional Labor and Human Resources Management Practices : A Meta-Analysis
作者 林正士
頁次 039-064
關鍵字 情緒勞務人力資源管理措施組織支持整合分析Emotional laborHuman resources management practiceOrganization supportMeta-analysis
出刊日期 201403




The study based on Meta-Analysis methodology, which used literature review and content analysis method. The study discovered past outcomes and stereotypes in the field of emotional labor. First, although the definition of emotional labor employees includes three types, employees who encounters with customers, organizational boundary-spanning workers, and other high-emotional-load workers, most of studies focused on the first emotional labor type. Besides, organization emphases on rules building of emotional labors’ body and voice display, in order to satisfy consumers’ expectation. And so does the HRM practices, which put much concern on the support of on-stage employees. Second, the study found there were two approaches most used in emotional labor researches, one is qualitative ways to understand emotional workers personal perception and develop emotional labor job dimensions, such as observation and deeply interviews. The other approach were quantitative methods, aims to build or verify the model of antecedents, dimensions, and consequences of emotional labor. In conclusions, it has accumulated a lot of theories in emotional labor field, different theoretical perspective were added to improve the comprehension, such as self-monitoring, social support, social cognitive, and psychological contract theories. The study aims to initiate an integrated framework of past researches, and suggest future research orientation.
