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篇名 消費者保護法罰則之性質及救濟途徑探討
卷期 4
並列篇名 Discussion on the Nature of Penalty Provisions of Customer Protection Law and Its Remedy
作者 林政緯張祐齊李誠智
頁次 027-038
關鍵字 消費者保護法行政罰執行罰行政調查行政救濟Consumer Protection LawAdministrative Penaltypecuniary sanctionAdministrative InvestigationAdministrative remedies
出刊日期 201403




Consumer Protection Law comprised regulations of civil code and administration law. Previously, the practitioners and scholars only pay attention to the regulations on civil matters. However, due to the critical disputes over consumer protection in recent years, the administration authorities take administrative investigations more and more and make the judgments accordingly. Such actions result in controversies over implementation of Consumer Protection Law. Therefore, this article is aim to clarify the current theory and practice of administration law and propose suggestions on relative law making.
