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篇名 臺灣地區運動觀光資源分布分析研究
卷期 4
並列篇名 The Distribution of Sport Tourism Resources in Taiwan
作者 劉照金董燊蔡永川許玫琇顏鴻銘
頁次 009-026
關鍵字 運動觀光運動觀光資源資源分布臺灣地區sports tourismsports tourism resourcesresources distributionTaiwan area
出刊日期 201403


本研究目的在探討臺灣地區運動觀光資源之類型與區域分布狀況,以及各類型運動 觀光資源之分布特徵。研究方法乃從「運動觀光資源」的觀點,以研究者自行發展之「臺 灣地區運動觀光資源田野調查表」為工具,篩選出臺灣地區451項具有發展運動觀光潛 力的資源作為分析樣本,並以SPSS-14版及Arc GIS 9.2軟體進行分析,分析結果如下:(一) 臺灣地區運動觀光資源類型可分為風土資源、人工資源、地質資源、水域資源等四大類 型,其中以地質資源最為豐富(41.46%),其次為水域資源(25.28%)、人工資源(24.83%) 及風土資源(8.43%);(二)臺灣地區運動觀光資源之區域分布,以北部最為密集 (34.37%),其次為南部地區(26.16%)、中部地區(15.30%)、離島地區(13.53%)及 東部地區(10.64%);(三)臺灣地區各類型運動觀光資源之分布特徵,風土資源以南部聚 落較為豐富,人工資源以北部都會地區較為密集,地質資源則因台灣自然地理特性而平 均散布於各地,水域資源則分布於海岸地區及山區溪流。綜合結論,臺灣地區各類型運 動觀光資源相當豐富,此與臺灣地區豐富之地理特性、島嶼特徵、國家公園、區域遊憩 區及政府與民間運動設施投入有密切關係,而運動觀光資源若能配合資源特性,以及區 域運動與觀光發展有效規劃、開發與運用,有助於吸引民眾參與運動觀光活動,提昇臺 灣的運動觀光產業之發展與品質。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the type and distribution of sport tourism resources, and analysis of the distribution characteristics of the various types of sport tourism resources in Taiwan. The study examines sport tourism resources used the “Survey on Sport Tourism Resources in the Taiwan Area” devised by the author. A total of 451 potential sport tourism resources in Taiwan made up the samples for analysis. SPSS-14 and Arc GIS 9.2 software was used to collate and analyze the data. The results were as follows: (1) Sport tourism resources could be divided into four major types: cultural resources, artificial resources, geological resources, and water resources. Geological resources were the most abundant (41.5%), followed by water resources (25.3%), artificial resources (24.8%) and cultural resources (8.4%); (2) Distribution of sport tourism resources by region: the Northern region had the greatest density of sport tourism resources (33.3%), followed by the Southern region (24.6%), Central region (17.7%), Outlying Islands (13.5%) and the Eastern region ( 10.9 %); (3) Special features of the distribution of sport tourism resources in Taiwan: settlements in the Southern region had more abundant cultural resources; artificial resources were concentrated in Northern metropolitan areas, geological resources were spread evenly due to Taiwan’s natural geographic features, water resources were located around coastal areas and mountain streams. Overall conclusion: Taiwan was well endowed with different types of sport tourism resources. Taiwan’s plentiful sport tourism resources were a function of its wealth of geographic features, its natural features as an island, national parks, local recreation areas, and sports facilities provided by the government and private sector. If Taiwan can exploit these sports tourism resources appropriately, and implement effective planning, development, and utilization of sport tourism resources at the regional level, this will help to attract people to participate in sport tourism activities, enhancing the growth and quality of the sport tourism industry in Taiwan.
