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篇名 敷蓋處理對紅豆(Vigna angularis)有機栽培田間雜草控制、農藝性狀及一般成分之影響
卷期 35:1
並列篇名 Effect of Mulch Treatment on Weed Control, Agronomic Characters and Common Composition of Organic Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis)
作者 施文儒侯金日
頁次 029-045
關鍵字 有機栽培紅豆敷蓋雜草控制Organic farmingadzuki beanmulchweed controlTSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2014-0035(1)-029


本試驗以紅豆 KS8 及 KS9 為試驗材料,於嘉義縣朴子市有機認證的合格農田,進行敷蓋處理(以稻草、稻殼、花生殼等資材及不敷蓋作為對照組),並調查紅豆有機栽培敷蓋資材對紅豆田間雜草管理、農藝性狀及種仁一般成分之影響。結果顯示,在田間雜草管理方面,經敷蓋處理後與對照組相較,能顯著抑制雜草乾重及密度。在田間雜草相方面,KS8 田間雜草相主要以禾本科牛筋草(65.2%)較多,其次為莧科之野莧(12.5%)及茄科芝龍葵(15.4%);KS9 也是以禾本科之牛筋草較多(65%),其次為莧科之野莧(15.5%)及茄科之龍葵(14.5%)。而在農藝性狀及產量方面,兩品種經敷蓋處理後,與對照組相比確實能顯著提高農藝性狀及產量。在 KS8方面,成熟莢果數、總莢果數、成熟莢果乾重、種子數、種子重及小區面積產量等性狀以敷蓋稻殼處理表現佳;而在 KS9 方面,成熟莢果數、總莢果數、成熟莢果乾重、種子數等性狀以敷蓋稻草表現較佳,而種子重、千粒重及小區面積種子產量則以敷蓋花生殼處理表現較佳。而在不同品種間比較農藝性狀及產量,在成熟莢果數、莢果乾重、種子數、千粒重及小區面積種子產量皆以 KS9 表現較 KS8佳。而在紅豆種仁一般成分分析方面,敷蓋處理與對照組相較,能顯著提高種仁粗脂肪及粗蛋白含量。在 KS8 方面,粗脂肪以慣行(0.93%)處理表現較佳,而粗蛋白則以敷蓋稻草(21.4%)表現較佳;而 KS9 方面,粗脂肪以敷蓋稻殼(1.71%)處理含量較高,粗蛋白部分以慣行(21.7%)及敷蓋稻殼(21.5%)表現較佳。最後比較兩品種在敷蓋處理間差異,以 KS8 灰分高於 KS9;粗脂肪及粗蛋白皆以 KS9 表現較 KS8佳,而碳水化合物部分,兩品種間並無顯著差異。


This experiment used adzuki bean KS8 and KS9 as experimental materials, which were planted at an organic farmland at Putzu, Chiayi, Mulch treatments of rice straw, rice hull, peanut hull were applied. The treatment effects of weed management, agronomic characters and seed common composition were investigated. The results showed that the mulch treatments were significant restrain the weed dry weight and density. The weed flora in the field of KS8 was Eleusine indica L. (Gramineae) (65.2%), Amaranthus viridis L. (Amaranthaceae)(12.5%) and Solanum nigrum L.( Solanaceae)(15.4%); in the field of KS9 it was Eleusine indica L. (Gramineae) (65%), Amaranthus viridis L.(Amaranthaceae)(15.5%) and Solanum nigrum L. (Solanaceae)(14.5%). As to agronomic characters and yield, the mulch treatments significantly increased, the number of mature pods, total pods and seeds, pod dry weight, seed weight and seed yield in KS8, where the best treatment was rice hull; In KS9, the rice straw treatment was best in the number of mature pods, total pods, and, seeds, and pod dry weight; the peanut hull treatment were the best to maintain the weight of 1,000 seeds and yield of seeds. The number of mature pods and seeds, dry weight of pods, weight of 1,000 seeds and seeds yield in KS9 were better than that in KS8. The mulch treatment increased adzuki bean crude fat and crude protein. In KS8, the best crude fat was found in convention treatment (0.93%); the best crude protein was found in rice straw treatment (21.4%). In KS9, the best crude fat was found in rice hull treatment (1.71%); the best crude proteins were found in both convention treatment (21.7%) and mulch treatment (21.5%). In general, these two varieties showed different responses to mulch treatment. In which, the ash of KS8 was higher than that of KS9; the crude fat and crude protein of KS9 were higher than that of KS8; the carbohydrate of these two varieties were not different.
