
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 馬克思1837年柏林法學計劃的譜系與出路
卷期 48
並列篇名 The Genealogy and Outcome of Marx’s 1837 Berlin Project of Jurisprudence
作者 姚遠
頁次 061-134
關鍵字 馬克思柏林法學計劃法科學黑格爾MarxBerlin project of jurisprudenceRechtswissenschaftSavignyHegelTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201403
DOI 10.3966/168451532014030048002


馬克思1837 年的柏林法學計劃,與他在波恩大學和柏林大學所修課程上習得的知識有密切關聯,秉持以薩維尼為代表的德國「法科學」觀念,總體說來沒有超出歷史法學派之羅馬法分支的思想譜系。馬克思在嘗試對其中涉及的三大方法論難題給出自己的回答時,遭遇了單純強化實定法知識無力克服的根本哲學缺陷。由於借鑒謝林哲學寫作的《克萊安泰斯》(Kleanthes)的邏輯結論,以及愛德華‧甘斯的影響,馬克思轉向黑格爾法哲學和邏輯學,據此看清柏林法學計劃的死穴,並擺脫了歷史法學,靠近黑格爾主義。


Marx’s 1837 Berlin project of jurisprudence, closely connected with his learnings in Bonn and Berlin, was carried out according to the German idea of Rechtswissenschaft represented by Savigny, and generally speaking was within the Romanist branch of the Historical School of Law. While attempting to responding to the three methodological problems in his peculiar way, Marx met fundamental philosophical challenges that could not be overcome by simply solidifying his knowledge of positive law. Moreover, thanks to the logical conclusion of his Schellingian dialogue Kleanthes and influences of Eduard Gans, Marx had to turn to Hegel’s philosophy of law and logic. Therefore he found the imperfection of the Berlin project of jurisprudence, went beyond the Historical School of Law, and then accepted a version of Hegelianism.
