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篇名 再生的自然-談野見山曉治的繪畫
卷期 20/21
並列篇名 The Rebirth of Nature–Exploring the Paintings of Nomiyama Gyoji
作者 陳孟澤
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 自然再生無常生命速寫造型NatureRebirthFicklenessLifeSketchingStyles
出刊日期 201310


野見山曉治 (Nomiyama Gyoji 1920~) 是當今日本畫壇上的長青樹,歷經明治時期以來美術歐化的草創期尾聲,並跨越了戰後旺盛的歐美藝術思潮乃至近幾十年來現代繪畫活躍的日本當代美術發展史,在日本當代藝術家中,是難以被歸類的一位。


Nomiyama Gyoji (1920- ) is a veteran in Japan’s contemporary art scene. Having witnessed the end of the first stage of European influence on Japanese fine arts that began in the Meiji era, Nomiyama saw the ethos of European and American artists thriving in the wake of World Ward II, and left his mark on the exciting history of Japanese contemporary arts over the past few decades.
Western art styles have gradually replaced Japanese ones as the force that dominates fine arts in post-war Taiwan, where almost every artist is crammed with the theories of European or American contemporary arts. That prompted the author to find something in common with Nomiyama, who draws lessons from the West to complement his oriental heritage.
The purpose of this paper is to examined how Nomiyama faces Nature as an observer and has it “reborn” in his signature painting style, in an attempt to revisit the long-lost warmth in a modern world where graphic works are coldly indifferent.
