
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 人格權威與政治秩序的形成:論權威與權力之區分在Carl Schmitt 秩序理論與民主理論中的意義
卷期 47
並列篇名 The Personal Authority and the Formation of Political Order: On the Significance of the Distinction of Power/Authority in Carl Schmitt’s Order and Democratic Theory
作者 鍾芳樺
頁次 119-171
關鍵字 權力權威代表政治秩序民主authoritypowerrepresentationpolitical orderdemocracyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.3966/168451532013120047003




The distinction of concept of authority and power plays an important role in Carl Schmitt’s theory of order and democracy. As Ernst R. Huber says, it is Carl Schmitt’s important contribution for Germany theory of State. In Schmitt’s political theory, power and authority are two different ways to constitute and preserve the political order. The function of power is to build the relation of the protection and obedience, and this relation establishes the foundation of the political order. The transcend authority of political leader can represent the idea of political order, and to prevent the abuse of technical power. In Schmitt’s theory of democracy, the distinction of concept of authority and power legitimate the theory of leader-democracy (Caesarism). Leader, who owes the authority of political community, can direct the political orientation of people, and make the decision in extraordinary situation.
