
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 從審議民主到後國族民主:哈伯馬斯民主理論的發展與反思
卷期 47
並列篇名 From Deliberative Democracy to Postnational Democracy:Reflections on Jürgen Habermas’s Democratic Theory
作者 陳閔翔黃瑞祺
頁次 065-118
關鍵字 哈伯馬斯審議民主後國族民主溝通自由公共領域Jürgen Habermasdeliberative democracypostnational democracycommunicative freedompublic sphereTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.3966/168451532013120047002




This article aims to trace the development from deliberative democracy to postnational democracy in Jurgen Habermas. For Habermas, deliberative democracy is not only an institutional project of modernity but also one of the well-known theories of modern democracy. At the start of the 21st century he suggests a new political idea, postnational democracy, which is beyond the nation-states in a globalized age. This article tries to re-examine Habermas’s democratic theory from deliberative democracy to postnational democracy and points out its implications. There are three parts of our arguments. The first part investigates the communicative reason, communicative freedom, discourse, and explores the significance of public sphere and civil society for deliberative democracy. The second part is its praxis, we focus on constitutional patriotism and postnational democracy in order to analyze the international application of democracy. The final part of this article is the reflections of democracy, which articulate the contributions and limitations of Habermas’s democratic theory by discussing two questions: “Is there any difference between deliberative democracy and constitutional democracy?” and “Is postnational democracy a universal concept?”.
