
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 族群發展導向積極賦權行動與原住民族
卷期 47
並列篇名 A Theory of Affirmative Action for Group Development and Indigenous Peoples
作者 陳張培倫
頁次 001-064
關鍵字 積極賦權行動升學優待原住民族族群發展自決權affirmative actionpreferential admissionindigenous peoplesgroup developmentself-determinationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.3966/168451532013120047001




Based on the development of indigenous rights and social context in Taiwan and US, a new theory about affirmative action for indigenous development could be constructed. In this new theory, because the preferential admission policy is one part of indigenous self-determination, it is primarily a policy implementing collective rights of indigenous peoples. The policy based on this new theory could resolve traditional disputes focus only on the perspective of individual right. Of course, in order to fulfill the aim of self-determination, the new preferential policy will require indigenous applicants showing their group identity and obligation to indigenous peoples.
