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篇名 探勘房仲產業的顧客知覺價值於電子商務平台之建置
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Mining Customer Perceived Value of the Real Estate Agencies Industry to Build Electronic Commerce Platform
作者 Jian-Ming LoYin-Ju Chen
頁次 129-137
關鍵字 Customer Perceived ValueKnowledge ManagementPush Technology
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6285/MIC.2(2).10



With the popularity of the concept of marketing orientation, how to enhance customer perceived value becomes very important.With the development of network technology, transmitting information has moved from wire to wireless. E-Commerce and M-Commerce are the two major medium in the 21st century in electronic markets (e-markets). Because the characteristic of real estate agencies industry included individual ministrant, personal
uniqueness, immobility of agency of the object and it is not easy to replace. Human cost of the total cost of the maiority, is a labor-intensive industries, coupled with long been classified in the traditional service industries, so in the current pattern of E-commerce services, has not been valued by experts and scholars. Therefore, this study will be of real estate agencies industry as the background on how the industry, the use of E-commerce functionality, the website was developed by a new business models by the website management or to provide consumers with more service functions.Through the use of information technology, can reduce the cost of the customer to obtain the relevant information, increasing the overall interests, and thus effectively enhance the customer perceived value.
