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篇名 應用層級分析法於國小線上英語繪本評選指標因子之研究
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Research on Selecting Factors of Decision Making of Online English Picture Book Using Analytic Hierarchy Process for Elementary School
作者 吳振鋒陳品璋常心怡陳秀惠
頁次 102-113
關鍵字 英文能力線上英語繪本評估指標層級分析法權重English abilityonline English picture bookEvaluationAnalytic Hierarchy Process Weight
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6285/MIC.2(2).08




There are many advantages of using picture books in English teaching. Picture books can stimulate students’ learning motivation and provide them a rich corpus. Moreover, picture books simulate authentic situation, and reduce students’ anxiety of learning. Online English picture books can also overcome problems like the small size of paper picture books and huge funding from buying books. Therefore, choosing excellent online English picture books can help achieve maximum effectiveness of teaching. However, it is difficult to select appropriate criteria for the evaluation of excellent online English picture books.
With the knowledge of elementary school students’ characteristics; this study was designed to come up with the assessment indicators of how to choose online English picture books. To achieve this purpose, this study started from identifying the most appropriate selection criteria after doing the related literature review and synthesizing experts’ opinions. After that, questionnaires were sent out to elementary school English experts to obtain research data. Through the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), samples were analyzed to determine the right weight of respective standards, and the different weights were summarized with other considerations for selecting online English picture books. Hopefully, this study can provide an objective and effective selection criteria for educational institutions and teachers.
