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篇名 探討JIT策略、TQM 策略對強化醫院服務品質與品牌忠誠度之影響
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Impact of JIT and TQM Strategies on Ensuring Service and Brand Loyalty in Hospitals
作者 陳淑慧林忠勳
頁次 068-083
關鍵字 JIT策略TQM 策略服務品質品牌忠誠度JIT StrategiesTQM StrategiesService QualityBrand Loyalty
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6285/MIC.2(2).06


本調査在分析及時生產(JIT)、全面品質管理(TQM)策略對醫院服務品質與品牌忠誠度之影響,並利用全面品質管理工作項目,包括客戶焦點、内外合作、持續改進、領導力、人員執行、學習與流程管理等構面,以提昇醫院管理績效。本研究針對影響品牌忠誠度之要素進行探討,其主要有服務品質、JIT策略和TQM策略,進一歩透過線性結構方程模式分析,獲得之實證結果為服務品質是影響品牌忠誠度之最重要因素,其次 為全面品質管理策略與JIT策略。因此,管理者必須考慮不僅在硬體方面,也可以透過醫院的專業、社會責任和有益的資訊改善醫院的服務。另ー方面,本研究建議醫療機構在品質管理方面應投入更多的技術資源,藉此提高民眾的認識,進而強化品牌忠誠度。


This investigation analytically and empirically the effects of just-in-time (JIT) and total quality management (TQM ) strategies on ensuring service and brand loyalty in hospitals, and analyzes the works that are involved in quality management that are required to improve the quality of service in a hospital including customer focus, internal/external, improvement, leadership, employee fulfillment, learning, process-management, In order to enhance its management performance. Regarding brand loyalty, the influential factors cover several domains including service quality, JIT and TQM strategies, and the results of LISREL analysis further indicate that service quality is the most powerful factor affecting brand loyalty, followed by total quality management and JIT strategies. Hence managers must take into account not only the structure of the hardware at the hospital, but also their own professionalism, social responsibility and the usefulness of information to improve the hospital service. The other hand, this study recommends that health care institutions invest additional technical resources in TQM strategies to improve service quality and enhance people’s recognition, thus strengthening brand loyalty.
