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篇名 以乖離率技術分析定期定額投資策略之研究
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 The Study on the Relationship of Dollar-Cost Averaging Strategy and Volatility in the BIAS
作者 黃錦川朱美珍陳旻瑋
頁次 036-045
關鍵字 臺灣 50定期定額乖離率技術分析Taiwan 50Dollar-Cost AveragingBiasTechnical Analysis
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6285/MIC.2(2).04




This study focuses on the difference between the stocks using Dollar- value averaging strategy and the volatility I the BIAS as the criteria. The research has first shown that large stocks can achieve the highly profitable effect by BIAS 10% realizing profit and cutting loss. Because of large stocks may be short-term rapid limit up to realize profit or rapid limit down to cut loss from next Systematic investment Plan debit. This displays the point of 10% has risk control function. Second, BIAS 20% realizing profit and cutting loss is unable to achieve the highly profitable effect for large stocks. This means it is very difficult to catch BIAS 20% by selecting particular stock from the TAIWAN 50 component stocks. So BIAS 20% almost will not realize profit. As long as gain profit by short-term operation & long-term cash dividend/ stock dividend investment patiently, the rate of return is almost better. By looking at the performance indicators, BIAS10% single realizing profit investment is the better investment strategy.
