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篇名 消費者選購平板電腦關鍵因素之探討
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Exploring the Key Factors to Consumers in the Tablet PC
作者 顏慧明徐晨銨林巧苹
頁次 020-035
關鍵字 平板電腦產品創新品牌購買意願Tablet PCproduct innovationbrandpurchasing intention
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6285/MIC.2(2).03


本研究以消費者選購平板電腦的關鍵因素為探討主題,當消費者對平板電腦產品的了解有限,其購買行為傾向以平板電腦設計與製造國家形象來推論,因此來源效果在產品選擇過程中,扮演重要的角色。本研究採問卷方式,以大台北地區消費者為主要研究對象,探討產品創新、來源國效果、品牌等因素與平板電腦購買意願之關聯性。回收資料由描述性統計分析、獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析及迴歸分析等得出研究結果。期望 由此瞭解消費者較重視的項目,其中娛樂性對購買意願的影響最大,其次為價格,再次是外型,據以建議業者做適當的改善。


Tablet PC with its user-friendly operator interface and innovative features has been in favorite of consumers. Since the launch of the Touch Tablet PC, surprise consumers often experience. Tablet PC come out soon, but manufacturers are mustering their efforts to gain market share.
Because the competition in the industry, manufacturers those are continuous innovation, strengthen its specialty in marketing and introduction of appropriate services should be survival and get development in the industry.
In this study, to explore the key factors in tablet PCs to consumers is the topic. When consumers have limited understanding to Tablet PC products, their buying behavior tendency inference Tablet PC design and manufacture of the image of the country. So the source of the effect of the product would play an important role. As the research object of this study will be questionnaires to consumers in the greater Taipei area. To explore the effect of product innovation, the effect of the country of origin, and brand equity, which have been the key factors for the Tablet PC’s purchasing. Analysis of the collected data would be through descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, variable analysis, and regression analysis.
