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篇名 Allelopathic Phenomenon of Eucalyptus(Eucalyptus camaldulensis) in Taiwan
卷期 34:2
並列篇名 臺灣桉樹之剋他現象
作者 黎凱允王相華許原瑞徐玲明劉又彰王慶裕
頁次 069-087
關鍵字 剋他作用桉樹雜草控制生物檢定allelopathyeucalyptusweed controlbioassayTSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2013-034(2)-069


桉樹(Eucalyptus camaldulensis)原產於澳洲,於多年前因造紙需要而引入台灣,本研究調查桉樹林區内外草相及土壤種子庫(seed bank),發現ー些原生草類之發芽與生長受到抑制,其原因可能植物間相互競爭、遮蔭、及剋他作用所致。本試驗取7種雜草物種於5至7葉期移植於混有桉樹葉片粉末之栽培介質中,結果顯示17% (v/v)粉末處理顯著抑制三種莧科(dmaranAaceae spp.)雜草生長,甚至在 9% (v/v)桉樹葉片粉末用量下使青莧傷害指數大增。此外,莎草科(sedges)之雑草生長亦受到影響但程度較輕,至於禾本科(Gram加eae spp.)雜草則較不敏感。利用白莧、油菜、白菜及蘿蔔作為生物檢定材料,發現桉樹葉片水萃液顯著抑制這些種子之發芽;此外,胚根生長受抑制程度亦達70%以上。因此本研究中桉樹或許可考慮用於發展生物性除草劑,供作有機農法雑草管理資材。


River red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis), native to Australia, has been introduced into Taiwan in the past decade for the purpose of paper manufacturing. Field survey of weed flora inside and outside of this eucalyptus forest area and subsequent seed bank investigation of soils collected from the forest showed that the germination and growth of several indigenous weed species were suppressed by eucalyptus trees, possibly due to competition, shading and/or allelopathic effect. Seedling test of seven weed species at 5 to 7-leaf stage cultivated in medium premixed with different amounts of eucalyptus leaf powder showed that the growth of three weeds of Amaranthaceae family were significantly retarded by this powder at 17% (v/v) rate, and the injury index of slim amaranth was dramatically increased even at a rate of 9% (v/v). In addition, sedge weeds were also affected, though at a less extent, and Gramineae spp. weeds were the least susceptible. Seed germination of edible amaranthus and some Brassica spp., such as field mustard, Fung-Shan cabbage and radish, was significantly inhibited within 2 to 3 days by the water extract of eucalyptus leaves. In addition, the radicle growth of five vegetables was all significantly inhibited more than ca. 70% by this water extract. The allelopathic potential of this eucalyptus species may be worth considering in the development and/or application of bioherbicides in organic farming system.
