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篇名 台灣除草劑市場 2008-2012
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Herbicide Market in Taiwan 2008-2012
作者 方麗萍
頁次 059-068
關鍵字 農藥銷售金額除草劑非選擇除草劑Agrochemical turnoverAgrochemicalherbicidenon-selective herbicideTSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2013-034(1)-059


自2008年至2012年,台灣農藥市場趨勢為漸增,2012年農藥銷售金額為74 億(以出廠價計算),較2008年成長18%。2009年全球石油供應及大陸政策等因素, 導致農藥價格大幅増加,2010年即恢復平穩。過去五年除草劑市場略為成長,2012 年除草劑銷售金額達17億新台幣,佔總農藥市場23%,較2008年成長7%。依用 途主要分為非選擇性、水田、旱田用除草劑,市場分配分別為63%,12%及25%。 2012年非選擇性除草劑總銷售金額為10億,較2008年減少5%,主要產品為固殺 草、嘉磷塞異丙胺鹽及巴拉刈,固殺草銷售金額為4.7億,自2009年維持領先地 位,成為銷售金額最高的除草劑,三者單價均有下滑。2012年水田及旱田除草劑 總銷售金額分別為2億及4億,較2008年成長分別為32%及39%。全球新研發成 功之農藥有限,台灣新登記法規厳格,高投資,低報酬的台灣市場,如何引進新 藥劑,以期讓劇毒農藥退場,應是相關當局與廠商的複雑課題。


Under tropical and subtropical climate, an abundance of diverse plants are cultivated. Due to the high humidity and temperature conditions as well as the continuous cultivation practice, agrochemicals are used in high frequency in Taiwan. In 2012, insecticides dominated 43%, and followed by herbicides and fungicides with 31% and 23% respectively, the agrochemical market value at ex-factory level was estimated at NT$7.4Bio. (US$252Mio.). To compare with 2008, the agrochemical turnover was raised up 18%. In 2009, the high price of petroleum oil in global and the strict policies of agrochemicals in China, these factors caused the prices of agrochemicals to increase dramatically. The prices were back to stable in 2010. Based on 2008 figures, the turnover of heroicides was slightly increased by 7%. In 2012, the herbicides market was NT$1.7Bio. (US$58Mio ), non selective herbicides dominated 63%; furthermore, herbicides for paddy and dry-farmed fields were shared 12% and 25% respectively. In the past 5 years, non-selective herbicide market declined by 5%, the turnover was NT$1.1Bio. (US$38Mio.) in 2012. The market segment of non-selective herbicides was shared by Glufosinate-Ammonium (44%), Glyphosate (36%) and Paraquat (20%) in 2012. Unit price of these products was down to compare with 2008. In 2012, the herbicide markets of paddy and dry-farmed fields were NT$209Mio. (US$7.1Mio.) and NT$415Mio. (US$14.2Mio) individually. To compare with 2008, these two markets were increased by 32% and 39%. In long terms, the market is forecast to remain stable with slightly increased, the safer pesticides replacing the highly toxic ones with relatively high price. Banning the toxic or hazardous to environment products is under the authorities’ policy.
