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篇名 綠肥及氮肥對不整地栽培青割玉米產量、品質及氮素利用之影響
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Effects of Green Manure and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield, Quality and Nitrogen Utilization of Forage Corn under No-tillage
作者 楊志維許明晃張新軒黃文達
頁次 045-057
關鍵字 綠肥作物氮肥不整地栽培青割玉米green manure cropnitrogen fertilizerno-tillageforage cornTSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2013-034(1)-045


本研究旨在探討休耕田種植綠肥作物,於後作進行不整地種植青割玉米,配合氮肥管理,評估此種栽培方式對青割玉米產量、品質及氮素利用之影響。2004 年玉米秋作試驗結果顯示,於休耕田種植豆科綠肥作物可有效增加土壤中氮素含量,田菁鮮草產量27,667 kg ha-1,氮素產量120 kg ha-1;青皮豆鮮草產量17,333 kg ha-1,氮素產量85 kg ha-1。綠肥作物可提供部分氮素供後作青割玉米利用,但仍需要補施氮肥以達到玉米生產所需。玉米種植後補施氮肥可有效增加青割玉米株高及鮮重產量,另種植綠肥作物所產生的氮素在氮肥0 kg ha-1處理可增加青割玉米株高,而在0、50 kg ha-1處理可增加青割玉米鮮重產量;增施氮肥及種植綠肥作物對總可消化養分無顯著性影響;增施氮肥可有效增進玉米植株各部位氮素含量,而種植綠肥作物在不施肥處理可提高青割玉米葉片氮素含量,但對其他部位氮素含量之影響則不顯著。2006年春作試驗於埃及三葉草後作種植青割玉米,採撒播或傳統不整地點播方式種植。試驗結果顯示於休耕田種植豆科綠肥作物埃及三葉草可有效增加土壤中氮素含量,鮮草產量約8,000 kg ha-1,氮素產量約40 kg ha-1。玉米種植後增施氮肥可有效增加青割玉米株高及鮮重產量,撒播(播種量25 kg ha-1) 配合氮肥50、100 kg ha-1處理,青割玉米鮮物產量均可超過50 Mt ha-1,能大幅減少播種費用。


Legume green manure crops are valuable N sources for no-tillage corn (Zea mays L.). The object of this research was conducted to investigate the effects of green manure crops and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield, quality and nitrogen utilization of forage corn under no-tillage system. In 2004 for fall cropping corn, nitrogen fertilizer was applied at three rate, i.e., 0, 50, and 100 kg ha-1, after the clipping of green manure crops. Experimental results showed that the herbage yield for sesbania (Sesbania roxburghii Merr.) and blue soybean (Glycine max L.) were 27 and 17 Mt ha-1, respectively. And the nitrogen production for sesbania and blue soybean were 120 and 85 kg ha-1, respectively. Forage yield and nitrogen uptake of corn following green manure crops were consistently higher than that no green manure crops as previous crops. The total nitrogen from green manure crops was not enough to meet the requirement of corn production, and it still need proper application of nitrogen fertilizer for growth. Forage yield, plant height, and total N content of corn were promoted by the increasing nitrogen rate. However, the total N content in various part of corn plant was not changed by the nitrogen released from green manure crops.
