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篇名 利用不同水分管理抑制銀膠菊種子萌發及幼苗生長
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Suppression of Parthenium hysterophorus L. Seedling Emergence and Growth through Water Managements
作者 蘇士宏謝清祥
頁次 019-031
關鍵字 銀膠菊水分管理湛水種子幼苗Parthenium hysterophorus L.water controlwaterloggingseedlingTSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2013-034(1)-019


銀膠菊(Parthenium hysterophorus L.)為菊科草本植物,生長及繁殖迅速,目前已成為臺灣南部歸化之外来入侵植物,且傳播範圍逐年擴張。本研究主要在銀膠菊種子及幼苗階段進行不同的給水量及湛水頻度處理,以測試不同水分供應下對 其種子萌芽及幼苗生長之影響。不同給水量試驗結果顯示,試驗後期各處理平均萌芽率達70%以上,以10 ml/day處理萌芽率最高,長時間湛水處理(3:1湛水:乾燥日数)發芽率顯著較其它水量處理為低(於60%以下)。不給水處理種子發芽後有最低之葉數、植冠面積、葉長及葉寬,分別為6.2±1.5、7.9±3.2 cm2、1.9±0.4 cm及1.2±0.3 cm。 不同湛水頻度處理下,不同播種密度(216及469 seeds/m3)間的萌芽率類似,但不同湛水處理間則有顯著差異;其中湛水3天、乾燥1天處理者有最低之萌芽率分別為7%(216 seeds/m3)、8%(469 seeds/m3);幼苗不同湛水頻度試驗結果顯示,以湛水3天、乾燥1天之組合連續處理4次,可有效抑制銀膠菊生長,試驗至第16天其抑制效果達100%,此結果可提供相關單位做為銀膠菊田間防治的參考。


Parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) is one of the Asteraceae herbaceous plants with high rapid growth and reproduction. It has become a wide spread naturalized invasive plants in southern Taiwan. In this study different water supply quantities and waterlogged treatments were used to investigate their effects on seedling emergence and growth of Parthenium weed. The results of different water supply test showed that when water was supplied the average emergence were around 70%. And, the highest emergence percentage was 10ml/day treatment. It was reduced to less than 60% seedling emergence by 3:1(waterlogged: drought days) treatment. With no water supply, Parthenium seedling showed significant lowest leaf number, plant canopy, leaf length and leaf width (6.2±1.5, 7.9±3.2 cm2, 1.9±0.4 cm and 1.2±0.3 cm, respectively). Different waterlogging experiment result showed that two different seeding rates (216 and 469 seeds/m3) had similar emergence rates. Significant differences were found among waterlogging treatments. The lowest seedling emergence was 7% (216 seeds/m3) and 8% (469 seeds/m3) and shoot growth can be observed on 3:1 day treatment (under waterlogged 3days and 1day dried cycle). And, 100% inhibitory growth of Parthenium weed was found at 16th day after 3:1 day treatment. This result provided a good strategy for Parthenium weed control in the field.
