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篇名 生質能源作物痲瘋樹可用除草劑之篩選
卷期 34:1
並列篇名 Screening of Herbicides for Weed Control in Bioenergy Crop Jatropha curcas L.
作者 許明晃楊志維陳傑君楊棋明黃文達
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 痲瘋樹生質柴油除草劑雜草防除Jatropha curcasbiodieselherbicidesweed controlTSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2013-034(1)-001


痲瘋樹(Jatropha curcas L.)是ー極具潛カ之新興能源作物,但目前仍缺乏痲瘋樹栽培時除草劑使用的相關研究。本研究主要在評估萌前及萌後除草劑對痲瘋樹的傷害,以篩選可用於痲瘋樹栽培之除草劑。測試的萌前除草劑包括拉草(2.50, 1.25 kg ha-1)、草脫淨(1.60, 0.80 kg ha-1)、丁基拉草(1.50, 0.75 kg ha-1)、達有龍(2.00, 1.00 kg ha-1)、滅必淨(1.50, 0.75 kg ha-1)及施得圃(1.25, 0.63 kg ha-1),萌後除草劑包括ニ,四-地(2.00, 1.00 kg ha-1)、本達隆(1.20, 0.60 kg ha-1)、伏寄普(0.25, 0.13 kg ha-1)、固殺草(1.00, 0.50 kg ha-1)、嘉磷塞(2.50, 1.25 kg ha-1)及三氯比(1.00, 0.50 kg ha-1)。試 驗結果顯示萌前除草劑拉草、丁基拉草、施得圃及萌後除草劑本達隆、伏寄普均具有潛カ可適用於痲瘋樹栽培之雜草防除上。


Jatropha curcas L. has great potential for using as a new energy crop. However, one of the problems is the lack of studies on its tolerance to herbicides in weed control. This study aimed to evaluate the injury of jatropha plants caused by pre- and post-emergence herbicides. The pre-emergence herbicides tested included alachlor (2.50, 1.25 kg ha-1), atrazine (1.60, 0.80 kg ha-1), butachlor (1.50, 0.75 kg ha-1), diuron (2.00, 1.00 kg ha-1), metribuzin (1.50, 0.75 kg ha-1) and pendimethalin (1.25, 0.63 kg ha-1). The post-emergence herbicides tested included 2,4-D (2.00, 1.00 kg ha-1), bentazon (1.20, 0.60 kg ha-1), fluazifop-butyl (0.25, 0.13 kg ha-1), glufosinate (1.00, 0.50 kg ha-1), glyphosate (2.50, 1.25 kg ha-1) and triclopyr (1.00, 0.50 kg ha-1). The experiment with pre-emergence herbicides revealed that jatropha plants were tolerant to alachlor, butachlor and pendimethalin. In addition, the experiment with post-emergence herbicides, i.e., bentazon and fluazifop-butyl, also showed a herbicidal potential in weed control for cultivation of jatropha plants.
