
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Development of Equine Anthrax Antitoxin for Disease Treatment - an In vivo A/J Mice Passive Protection Assay for Evaluation of Antitoxin Potency
卷期 33:5
作者 Hsu, Hui-fenTarn, Li-jengWu, Hsueh-lingHuang, Hsin-hsienChen, Kuo-chingTsai, Meng-hung
頁次 263-270
關鍵字 anthraxequineantitoxinA/J micepassive protectionMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201310
DOI 10.6136/JMS.2013.33(5).263



Anthrax Immune Globulin (AIG) is a polyclonal anthrax immunoglobulin product developed by Cangene (Winnipeg, Canada) and Emergent BioSolutions (Rockville, MD). It is derived from plasma of individuals who have been vaccinated with BioThraxTM. It is a candidate for intravenous post-exposure treatment in patients with symptoms of anthrax disease. This study used the equine antitoxin as an alternative for anthrax medical counter measure. Methods: Horses were immunized intramuscularly with AVA (Anthrax vaccine adsorbed; BioThraxTM). The sera were examined with anti-PA (Protective Antigen) ELISA and TNA (Anthrax toxin neutralization assay). The passive protection test was performed with ATCC 14186 strain spores and equine sera in A/J mice model. Results: The sera from horses immunized with AVA have high titer in anti-PA ELISA, and stable neutralization activity in TNA in vitro. In a well-controlled A/ J mice animal model, the serum repeatedly and accurately protects A/J mice from exposure to a lethal challenge of the ATCC 14186 strain of Bacillus anthracis. Conclusions: Anthrax equine antitoxin shows a high titer and high neutralization activity, both in vitro and in vivo.

