
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 人道干預的倫理反思:人道的暴力、正當的干預?
卷期 13
並列篇名 Ethical Aspects of Humanitarian Intervention:Violence vs. Justice; Sovereignty vs. Rights
作者 葉家威
頁次 053-099
關鍵字 人道干預軍事干預THCITSSCI
出刊日期 200506


聯合國成立至今近六十年,國際局勢經歷了重要的轉變:「人 權本位」的人道主義則越來越受到國際社會的注意和肯定。在這背景 下,國際人道干預便成為國際政治中一個不可忽略的議題。而本文要 討論的是以軍事行動為手段的人道干預,這種形式的人道干預將引申 出值得深思的道德問題。本文將集中探討人道戰爭所要面對的兩種道 德困境。第一種困境我稱之為「人道一暴力困境」:按常理,我們確 信制止暴行是無可非議的,但當我們清楚知道制止暴行的手段同樣會 造成沉重苦難,問題便不再是這般不證自明。由於使用武力的軍事行 動無法逃避造成無辜平民死亡的道德責任,這種干預只有在人民的基 本權利(生存權、人身安全權和人身自由權)受到廣泛剥奪的情況 下,才是必須和適當的手段。第二種困境可稱之為「主權一人權困 境」,如何在尊重主權平等原則的同時有效地解決人道災難?在什麼 情況之下,人權原則可以優先於主權原則?對此,本文將嘗試透過分 析主權的道德基礎,指出在人民的基本權利受到廣泛剥奪的情況下, 不干預原則經已失去約束力。


Humanitarian intervention has become one of the most important topics in today’s international politics. My main concern in this essay is humanitarian intervention of a military character which involves the direct use of force. This kind of intervention raises some very tough ethical questions because it represents conflicts among several moral judgments and values we consider important. Two moral dilemmas will be considered here. First, we have to face the dilemma between the inherent humanitarian goal of intervention and inherent violence of the use of force. Since the intervener can never escape from the moral responsibility of causing innocent deaths, we are facing a moral tragedy. Yet, when basic rights (right to life, physical security and liberty) are violated in a massive scale, outside forces have reason to intervene forcibly. Second, we have to face the dilemma between adherence to sovereignty and commitment to human rights. But when the criteria set forth in the previous section of this essay are met, humanitarian intervention by the use of force should not be regarded as an infringement to state sovereignty. By analyzing the moral dilemmas involved in the case of humanitarian wars, guidance can be provided in future case.

