
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 秩序、效率與文明素養:台北市「排隊運動」分析
卷期 14
並列篇名 Order, Efficiency and Civility:The ‘Line-Up Campaign’ in Taipei
作者 王志弘
頁次 095-147
關鍵字 排隊運動都市治理社會秩序效率文明素養台北市line-up campaignurban governancesocial orderefficiencycivilityTaipeiTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200509


本文從日常生活史角度探索台灣社會的延續和變化,藉由「排隊」 的相關論述和實踐,分析從「紀律型排隊」到「服務型排隊」的移 轉,及其所透露的都市治理和發展的轉化。本文以1979年台北市政 府推動的「排隊運動」為核心事例,討論威權政體下「國民生活須知」 式的身體習性規訓,及其引發涉及秩序、效率和文明素養的討論,指 出這項官方宣導運動其實是都市集體消費(公共運輸服務)不足與市 民期望升高,以及適逢與美國斷交前後政治社會氣氛不安下,都市現 代化發展論述與國家鞏固道德領導權的交匯場域。排隊所展現的公共 生活秩序、效率及文明素養意涵,可以往前追溯到日本殖民時期的現 代性形成。排隊做為文明化的表徵和隱喻,也陸續呈現在各種對照城 鄉差異、本國與先進國家,以及台灣與大陸的論述和想像裡。1990 年代以後,台北捷運的排隊文化,以及戶政事務所、郵局和金融機構 等地普設的自動化叫號機,則顯露了在新流動空間、科技中介、中產 階級禮儀、顧客導向服務,以及民選都市政權的新治理模式下,排隊 有了新的形式和意義。從講求秩序的紀律型排隊,到講求效率和平等 的服務型排隊的轉化,正透露了新治理模式的浮現,但相同的是排隊 依然是文明素養和現代化的重要指標。


This article tries to explore the continuity and change of Taiwan society through an everyday phenomenon - waiting in a line. Taking the “Line-up campaign” promoted by Taipei City government in 1979 as an example, the author suggested that this campaign was a kind of bodily discipline emphasizing senses of social order, efficiency and civility derived from the ideology of modernization. But it should also be understood in the context of low level of urban collective consumption and political uncertainty caused by diplomatic crisis and national democratic movement. After 1990s, as the Taipei Rapid Transit System is in operation, and the customer-first mentality developed rapidly in a consumer society, there emerged a new line-up culture supported by autocalling machines and urban middle-class manners. Although there are drastic differences between types of governance ( authoritarian vs. consumer-oriented) in these two periods, lining-up is still a central symbol of civilization and modernity.
