
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 人文精神、守法意識與法治教育
卷期 15
並列篇名 Humanity, Law-Abiding Consciousness, and the Law-Related Education
作者 莊世同
頁次 089-130
關鍵字 人文精神人性價值自主尊重關懷守法意識關心自我關心他人法治教育humanityhuman valuesautonomyrespectcarelaw-abidingconsciousnessself-regardingothers-regardingLaw-Related EducationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200512


長久以來,法治教育的改革,一直是我們極為重視的一項課題。 然而從近年來台灣社會發生的種種法治亂象來看,卻給人一種法治風 氣渐行敗壞的感覺。這不禁令人憂心地想要追問:「問題到底出在哪 裡?」基於對這個重要問題的關懷,本文嘗試在人文精神、守法意識 與法治教育三者之間,梳理出一條清楚的論述理路,來審視法治教育 的本質。本文認為,法治教育是一種守法意識的養成教育,守法意識 的內涵,又毋寧是一種人性價值的展現,而人性價值的展現,則是對 於人之存在價值給予消極道德肯認,或者進一步給予積極道德珍視的 實踐評價態度。在這個意義之下,法治教育既是一種人文教育,也是 一種道德教育;同時,本文也認為,一個成功的法治教育,不應只是 以培養本於關心自我,進而展現自主與尊重之人性價值的消極守法意 識為宗旨,而是應該致力於培養人民具有關心他人、關懷社會正義的 積極守法意識。


For a long time, the reform of Law-Related Education has been one of the most important issues we primarily concern. However, in view of the recent lawless occurrences happened in Taiwan, it seems that our development of the rule of law has been led to a corrupted direction. “What’s wrong with it” , such a question has given rise to some serious attention. For this reason, along with a clear line of argument, the present essay attempts to survey the relations of humanity, law-abiding consciousness and the Law-Related Education. The Law-Related Education, as we shall see, should be an education which strives to cultivate the law-abiding consciousness embedded in our shared human values. And the fulfillment of these human values could appear as a negative moral recognition or a positive moral preciousness of the humanity. In this sense, the Law-Related Education should be both a humanist and moral education. Furthermore, I shall also argue that a successful Law-Related Education should devote to cultivating not only the negative/self-regarding consciousness based on our shared values of autonomy and respect, but also the positive/others-regarding consciousness appealing to the values of care and social justice.
