
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 和平與強權政治:由歷史哲學反省東亞的民主與和平前景
卷期 15
並列篇名 Peace and Machtpolitik: Some Thoughts on the Future of East Asian Democracy and Peace from the Viewpoint of Philosophy of History
作者 顏厥安
頁次 049-088
關鍵字 永久和平強權政治東亞民主歷史哲學理性自由體驗法權主權國家歐洲聯盟全球正義體系理性公開運用現實政治理性強權permanent peaceMachtpolitikEast Asiademocracyphilosophy of historyreasonfreedomErlebnislawrightssovereigntystateEuropean UnionGlobal System of Justicepublic use of reasonRealpolitikreasonable power
出刊日期 200512


本文以歷史哲學的思考為入手,並以兩種歷史哲學模式或觀點 ——康德式的與黑格爾式的——為背景思考,來反省思考東亞的民主 與和平前景問題。本文第二部分將首先簡短論述為何我們需要歷史哲 學。第三部分將討論康德的歷史哲學,筆者將其定位為永久和平模 式。第四部分則討論黑格爾的歷史哲學觀點,與由其引出的強權政治 模式。並將嘗試綜合檢討康德歷史哲學思考中帶有含混性的理性概 念,此一討論亦與絕對和平主義與和平原則的爭議有關。在第五部分 裡,筆者將提出對歐盟發展經驗的觀察詮釋與檢討,指出其具有的雙 面性。第六部分則綜合前面的討論,提出全球正義體系理念,並以此 理念為基礎來檢討東亞的民主與和平前景。第七部分則是結論。


In this paper I try to make reflections on the future of East Asian democracy and peace from the viewpoint of the philosophy of history, particularly based on two prominent models, i.e. the Kantian and the Heaglian models. In the second part I will discuss briefly why we still needs a proper philosophical theory of history. Then I will explicate in the third part the philosophy of history of Kant which I call the model of perpetual peace. In the fourth part, the main points of Hegel,s philosophy of history will be elucidated and I will label the model derived from it that of Machtpolitik. Within this part I also try to argue that the concept of reason used by Kant in his philosophy of history is opaque, and this opaqueness will bring some difficulties to the position of the absolute pacifism. In the fifith part, the experiences of the European Union will be discussed shortly and I will show the Janus-faced character of its future. In the following sixth part, the idea of the Global System of Justice, based on previous analyses, will be introduced as the basis for further discussions of the problem and future of East Asian democracy and peace. Final part is the conclusion.
