
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 「批判理性主義」與「民主相對主義」:阿格西與費耶阿本的批判教育
卷期 16
並列篇名 ‘Critical Rationalism’ and ‘Democratic Relativism’:The Critical Education of J. Agassi and P. Feyerabend
作者 苑舉正
頁次 043-086
關鍵字 批判理性主義民主相對主義阿格西費耶阿本批判教育Critical RationalismDemocratic RelativismJ. AgassiP. FeyerabendCritical EducationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200603


透過「批判教育」的詮釋,本文嘗試化解科學哲學中有關理性的 兩種對立思想:「理性主義」與「相對主義」之間的爭執。基於觀點 對立性與相似性的考量,我們選擇分析同屬「波普學派」的阿格西與 費耶阿本兩人之立場。贊同「批判理性主義」的阿格西與堅守「民主 相對主義」的費耶阿本,曾就「政治後果」、「理論解析」以及「人 道理由」等三個層面進行多次論證對立。本文除詳盡說明這些對立的 論證外,另外強調此處所論之對立,實際上可以融合在此二人皆贊同 之「批判教育」之中。透過對「批判教育」的闡釋,本文結論道,無 論「批判理性主義」或「民主相對主義」都以「批判教育」之落實, 做為提昇社會追求知識進步可能性的原則。


This article intends to solve the opposition between ‘critical rationalism’ and ‘democratic relativism’ by exposing the nature of ‘critical education’. For their difference as well as similarity, we select the ideas of two Popperians, J. Agassi and P. Feyerabend. We then demonstrate the confrontations of Agassi’s ‘critical rationalism’ and Feyerabend’s ‘democratic relativism’ from the viewpoints of ‘political consequence’, ‘theoretical analysis’ and ‘humanitarian reasons’. After fully exploring these viewpoints, this article also emphasizes that the confrontations converge to an idea of ‘critical education’ endorsed by both Agassi and Feyerabend. Through interpreting the nature of ‘critical education’, this article concludes that both ‘critical rationalism’ and ‘democratic relativism’ seek the progress of knowledge in society by holding ‘critical education’ as something of basic principle.
