
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 遲滯型高科技風險社會下之典範鬥爭:以換發身分證按捺指紋案為分析
卷期 17
並列篇名 Paradigm Conflict within hidden and delayed high-tech risk society: with special focus on the case of “New ID card application with fingerprint submission”
作者 周桂田張淳美
頁次 127-215
關鍵字 風險論述典範鬥爭技術官僚全民指紋資料庫自我隱匿無知遲滯風險文化結構簡單的現代反身的現代risk discoursesparadigm conflicttechnocratsCitizen Fingerprint Databaseself-concealmentunawarenessdelayed risk culture structuresimple modernand reflexive modernTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606


本文從科技風險不確定性觀點,透過相關歷史事件脈絡之論述分 析整理,針對2005 (民94)年換發國民身分證按捺指紋引發的爭 議,提出了長達十餘年整體社會系統風險論述典範的鬥爭討論。
我們區分兩組風險論述競賽。第一組論述是以生物特徵與數位科 技系統的安全確定性為基礎,強調治安與效率論述,為一組「簡單的 現代」(simple modern)的生產邏輯,以線性因果的思維認為科技系 統的可控制性(可確實保密、儲存)、可彌補性(為了治安犧牲一點 點人權也是值得)、與可回復性(即使資料外洩名譽仍可回復);第
系統無論在儲存、複製、保密上的高度不確定性,本文以「反身的現 代」(reflexive modern)分析其強調對科技系統的不確定性所將造成 的侵犯隱私權、資料外洩、商業犯罪、社會歧視等批判性風險觀點。
同時,從民調上民眾支持建立指紋資料庫的現象,本文提出了建 構性的批判解釋。指出在風險具有指涉未來的意義下,公眾對治安利 益的未來性感知較為清晰;相對的,由於風險知識鴻溝,公眾對於生 物特徵數位科技所將衍生的巨大社會風險較為模糊,因而在利益與風 險選擇上傾向前者。然而這種認知型態卻構成了自我隱匿、遲滯處理 風險的現象,演變為隱匿、無知下的個人選擇。另一方面,同樣也在 風險知識鴻溝的門檻下,技術官僚工具性的推動簡單化約的、單面利 益論述的指紋資料庫政策,掩蓋了該項科技系統複雜性的風險問題, 造成科技決策者隱匿、遲滯風險的存在,本文稱之為制度性的隱匿與 遲滯風險。然而,這些現象已辯證性的形成一種在地社會特殊的文化結構,造成了我國對新興科技風險不確定性之典範轉移的社會困境。


Based on the viewpoint of technological uncertainty, this article presents risk discourse paradigms over the past decade through analyzing development contexts of the issue “new ID card application with fingerprint submission” in 2005.
Related risk discourses can be divided into two groups. Based on safety and certainty of bio-feature and digital technology system, Discourse Group (I) emphasizes public security and efficiency. It can also be categorized as the production logic of “simple modern” , which follows the thoughts of liner causality and believes in the controllability (able to be kept confidential and restored), amendability (worthy to sacrifice a bit of human right for public security), and recoverability (able to rebuild personal reputation even suffer from information divulgence) of technological system. On the contrary, based on the paradigm of technological uncertainty, Discourse Group (II) emphasizes the highly uncertainty of restoring, duplicating, and debriefing information of biofeature and digital technology system. By applying the theory of reflexive modern” , this article analyzes critical risk concerns such as privacy infringement, information divulgence, commercial commitments, and social discrimination resulted from technological uncertainty.
From survey observations, it showed that the public hold supportive attitudes towards establishment of Citizen Fingerprint Database. For this, the article presents a critical explanation - comparing benefits (technological development and public security) with social risk (human
right and discrimination), the public may perceive more of the former because they expect such benefits will concretely promote pubic security and eliminate crimes. On the other hand, the public perceive less of abstract social risks. More, due to limitation on knowledge gap of risk, technocrats make use of this to promote Citizen Fingerprint Database policy which is being simplified and with unilateral benefit discourses. Risk problems stemmed from technological complexity are concealed as well. Such perception pattern therefore forms delayed and hidden risk handling attitudes then develops into individual decisions being made under concealment and unawareness. Hence, a phenomenon that technological policy decision makers conceal risks shaped, as we proposed, this is “institutional delayed and hidden risk culture” .
Yet, these features have been dialectically become the distinct cultural structure embedded in local society. Eventually, uncertainty to emerging technological risks resulted in social dilemmas caused by such paradigm shift.
