
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 意識規定存在與存在規定意識:對「規定」意義的探討,並為朱堅章老師「環境使然」之說進一解
卷期 17
並列篇名 Consciousness Determines Being, Or Vice Versa? A Study of the Concept “bestimmen”, and An Exponent of Prof. Chu’s Saying: “Due To The Condition”
作者 孫善豪
頁次 099-125
關鍵字 規定康德黑格爾馬克思朱堅章bestimmenKantHegelMarxZhu Jian ZhangTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606


「規定」並不是一個可以望文生義的簡單概念。它至少有兩種意 義:一是因果意義,一是條件意義。後者,或許毋寧才是這個概念 (在德國哲學傳統下的)真正的使用方式。一旦理解了這個概念的使 用方式,則或許就可以:1.釐清馬克思「不是意識規定人的存在, 而是人的社會存在規定人的意識」的意義;2.對於「環境使然」之 說有一個另外的解釋。


The German term “bestimmen” is not to be literally understood. It is rather ambiguous: on the one hand, it means “cause”,on the other hand it means “condition”. The later is rather the proper use of this word in the tradition of German Idealism. As this usage is recognized, both the meanings of (1) the Marxist famous formula “it is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but rather their social being determines their consciousness” and (2) Professor Zhu’s saying “due to the condition” should be cleared.
