
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 權力、自由與法治:朱堅章的學思及其貢獻
卷期 17
並列篇名 Power, Liberty, and Rule of Law:The Legacy of Chien-Chang Chu
作者 張福建
頁次 067-097
關鍵字 朱堅章篡弒權力自由法治憲政民主C. C. Chuusurpationpowerlibertyrule of lawconstitutionalismdemocracyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606


本文之主旨在試圖詮釋及評價政大政治系故教授朱堅章的學術成 就及貢獻。其研究成果可粗分三個階段或部分:一是《歷代篡弒之研 究》,二是西方政治思想家自由觀念之系列分析,三是有關民主政治及人權等的著作。總的來說,本文認為其特色或貢獻有如下幾方面:一是扣緊歷史系絡;二是揭露篡弒之所以發生的機制;三是透過上述 三部分的研究成果,對政治權力的制衡、政治穩定、自由與平等、以及政治文化、政治社會化等重大的概念與理論,作出有機的聯繫;四 是在威權體制的背景之下,寓實踐於理論之中,闡揚憲政、民主、人權、法治、民主鞏固等以詮釋及豐富民權主義的內涵,其思想可謂貌似保守而實激進。從上述之著作可呈現出其政治思想之輪廓與大鋼,但未能總納出一系統性之專著以窺其思想之結構與全貌,是所可憾 者。


This essay tries to interpret and make a critical assessment of the academic achievement of C.C. Chu, the late professor of the Department of Political Science, National Chengchi University. His publications consist of three parts: first, A Study of Usurpation in Imperial China; second, a series of articles on liberty expounded by some modern western political thinkers; lastly, essays on democracy, rule of law, human rights, …etc. His academic achievements may be summarized as follows: firstly, he was a remarkable proponent of “ideas in context” approach long before the Cambridge School appeared; secondly, he had exposed the mechanism of why and how usurpation might occur in the history of imperial China; thirdly, he had made an organic linkage between such concepts and theories as check and balance, political stability, liberty and equality, political culture and political socialization through the above mentioned three parts of his publications; and lastly, against the backgrounds of the then authoritarian regime, by taking theoria as praxis, he had championed constitutionalism, democracy, human rights, rule of law, democratic consolidations, etc. to interpret and enrich the contents and essence of Sun Yat-Sen’s doctrine of popular sovereignty. Viewed in the light of historical context, he was indeed a radical in the cloak of conservative. The only regret might be that he didn’t put his ideas into a coherent presentation in the form of treatise or something like that.
