
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 朱堅章先生的民主理念
卷期 17
並列篇名 Mr. Chu Chien-Chang’s Idea of Democracy
作者 江宜樺
頁次 035-065
關鍵字 朱堅章民主法治民權主義Chu Chian-changdemocracyrule of lawdoctrine of “by the people”THCITSSCI
出刊日期 200606


本文以朱堅章先生關於民權主義與民主政治的演講稿及記錄為資 料,分析朱先生的民主理念,包括他對民主做為一種神話及一種實踐 的看法、他對民主政治基本假定的檢討、以及他對民主政治必要條件 的分析。筆者認為:朱堅章先生並非一般所謂民主政治的堅定支持 者,而只是將民主政治視為壞處最少的政治制度。他並不相信民主政 治的理論預設(包括人人生而自由或生而平等),但是在憲政法治、 菁英領導的前提下,他同意民主政治乃是所有政治制度中最好的一 種。他把民權主義等同於民主政治,替三民主義的政治論述建立了寬 廣發展的可能性,但是八〇年代末期興起的台灣主體性論述,終究使 這套以憲政法治為核心的政治論述相形失色,不得不退居歷史舞台的 邊緣。雖然如此,朱先生民主理念所觸及的某些問題,仍然值得我們 深思。


The article examines Mr. Chu Chian-chang’s idea of democracy, such as his analysis of democracy as an ideal and as a practice, his critique of the theoretical assumptions of western democracy, and his clarification of the conditions for democracy. The author argues that Mr. Chu is not a simple-minded supporter of democracy, but someone who advocates democracy for its being the least worst political system. He does not believe in the innate freedom and equality of human beings, but agrees that democracy is the best possible government if combined with constitutionalism, the rule of law, and leadership. He tries to equate Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s political doctrine with democratic theory, making a best possible interpretation of the doctrine of three people. Nevertheless, with the rise of the discourse of Taiwanese subjectivity in the late 1980’s, Chu’s interpretation of Sun Yat-sen’s doctrine gradually receded to the margin. Even so, the questions that Mr. Chu raised still deserve our attention and reflection.
