
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 保守主義:一個哲學的理解
卷期 18
並列篇名 Conservatism: A Philosophical Understanding
作者 曾國祥
頁次 001-059
關鍵字 保守主義不完美歷史性柏克休姆赫德歐克秀ConservatismImperfectionHistoricityBurkeHumeHerderOakeshottTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200609


本文旨在從哲學的視野,探詢現代保守主義的意義叢結:在哲學 精神上,承認人類處境的「不完美」;在歷史論題上,尊重「傳統價 值」;在道德思維上,強調「偷理實體」的維繫;在實踐理念上,重 視明辨慎思的「實踐智慧」與審時度勢的「歷史判斷」;在倡導立場 上,宣揚「有限的」政治觀、「寬容的」宗教觀並揭橥「人文價值」 等。此外,本文同時將論及保守主義在當代的轉衍情形。由此可知, 本文的研究重點在於作為一種思想傅統的「哲學保守主義」,而非作 為一種意識型態的「教條保守主義」。


The purpose of this essay is to account for the intricate meanings of conservatism mainly in terms of five themes. In philosophical spirit, conservatism admits the “imperfection of the human condition” ; on the topic of history, conservatism therefore shows respects for “traditional values” ; so far as ethical thinking is concerned, to be conservative is then to prefer the notion of “ethics” (understood as Sittlichkeit) than that of morality” (understood as Moralitate); when practice is at stake, the conservative thus emphasizes the importance of “prudence” than anything else; and finally, as for the advocatory issues, the conservative way of thinking actually has much to do with constitutionalism, i.e. a limited conception of politics. In the course of establishing the ideal-type of conservatism as such, the author shall set out to unveil the conservative elements embedded in the works of Burke, Hume and Herder, and to consider the development of conservatism in our time. It is more than clear that in this paper I am going to read conservatism as a school of philosophy rather than a form of ideology.
