
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 價值中立:實然與應然之間的糾葛
卷期 19
並列篇名 Value Neutrality: the Entanglement between ‘What is’ and ‘What Ought to be’
作者 郭秋永
頁次 153-214
關鍵字 價值中立價值中立方法論社會科學的哲學value neutralityvalue freedomvalueneutralitymethodologyphilosophy of social scienceTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612


在人文、社會科學的研究領域中,「價值中立」的主張,長久以 來就是一個備受矚目而極具爭議性的課題。前人討論此一課題的專 著,雖然層出不窮,可是眾說紛紜,至今依然沒有定論。筆者不揣謅 漏,試圖憑藉前人的一些真知灼見,以期針對此一困難課題進行一個 有系統的解析工作。在分別剖析「實然與應然」、「經驗研究的價值 中立」、「邏輯推論的價值中立」、「自由主義的價值中立」等爭議 後,筆者希望本文各節的論述,既能澄清論戰各造的觀點,又能提供 一些暫時性的解答。


In the research fields of humanity and social science, despite the lengthy and rich dialogue on the issue of ‘value neutrality’,many questions pertaining its meaning, feasibility and desirability remain, by and large, unresolved. This article seeks to accomplish a systematic analysis basing on some insight of predecessors of this area. Analyzing separately ‘what is and what ought to be’,‘value neutrality in the empirical study’,‘value neutrality in the logical inference’,and ‘the liberal neutrality’, I hope this article can clarify the view each made in debate, and can offer some temporary answers for these questions.
