
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 簡單了解海耶克:論海耶克思想體系的自由與規則
卷期 19
並列篇名 Comprehending F. A. Hayek Quickly:On the Hayekian Idea of Liberty and Rules
作者 李世榮
頁次 113-152
關鍵字 海耶克自發秩序情況知識知識效率法治自由Hayekspontaneous orderknowledge of circumstancesefficiency of knowledgeliberty under the rule of lawTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612


以自由的優先性做前提,雖不違背但無法精確釐清海耶克之自由 理論,本文提出「法治效率原則」闡述海耶克核心政治思想:「法治 原則」僅構成海氏學說之必要條件,並不足以啟發海氏所關心之文明 發展效能;必須兼顧「知識效率原則」才能充分重構海氏政治理論。 如何發掘、傅播與利用分散在社會各角落間之情況知識(knowledge of circumstances in society ),確實貫穿海耶克思想體系各層面,是為 掌握海氏早、晚兩期核心學術議題、理解其憲政與民主思想、界定自 由與法規之合理分際的關鍵因素。


Hayek’s theory of liberty cannot be rightly understood from the doctrine presupposing the priority of right. The paper proposes, instead, another principle demanding the rule of law as necessary and the fulfillment of knowledge-efficiency as sufficient conditions to demonstrate his political doctrine. How to discover, utilize and spread the knowledge of circumstances in society is the core conception which runs through Hayek’s academic thoughts, and which is literally the key to understanding his early as well as later theses of political concern, and trying to delimit an ideal borderline for the rule of law which confines the sphere of liberties.
