
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 資訊時代下的公共治理:規範性電子公民身份論之初探
卷期 19
並列篇名 Public Governance in the Information Age:Towards a Normative Theory of e-Citizenship
作者 梁文韜
頁次 001-084
關鍵字 治理電子公民數位落差電子政府電子民主審議民主governancee-citizendigital dividee-governmentedemocracydeliberative democracyTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612


資訊科技對社會發展的影響愈來愈明顯,其中對政治的影響尤為 顯著。很多政治學者對資訊科技抱持相當正面的態度,視其能促進政 府施政及民主建設。本文嘗試建構電子公民身份理論,探討透過資訊 時代下的公民權作為規範以改善公共治理的模式。資訊時代下的公民 權共有三項:擁有基本資訊生活之權利、享受具效益及負責任的電子 政務之權利以及體現電子民主參與潛力之權利。要讓民眾實踐擁有基 本數位生活之權利,政府必須積極縮減數位落差。另外,政府雖然積 極建構電子政府,但是在提供電子政務上,政府必須訂定以具效益及 負責任兩項價值為基礎的規範來作導引。最後,政府不應該單單停留 在電子政務的提供,更應開展電子民主。


The impact of information and communication technologies on social development has become more and more significant, especially political development. Many political theorists remain positive towards this impact and expect improvements in public administration and democratic practices. This paper develops a theory of e-citizenship, proposes citizenship rights of the information age and discusses how to improves public governance. Citizenship rights of the information age include a right to a minimal ICTs living, a right to efficacious and accountable electronic public services and a right to realize electronic democratic participatory potential. In order to realize these rights, the government should reduce digital divide, improve the performance of e-government under the guidance of the norms of efficacy and accountability, and explore the applicability of e-democracy.
