
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 柏格森的「創造進化」與伊里亞斯的「過程」:一個比較的觀點
卷期 20
並列篇名 Bergson’s “Creative Evolution” and the “Prozeß” of Norbert Elias: A Comparative Viewpoint
作者 胡正光
頁次 133-181
關鍵字 柏格森伊里亞斯綿延創造進化過程柏格森主義Henri BergsonNorbert Eliasdurationcreative evolutionprocessBergsonismTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200703


社會理論的產生一定程度上受到哲學思潮的影響,正如馬克思的 方法基礎來自黑格爾,後者的思想並且與尼采、海德格一起活躍到 20世紀的現代/後現代爭辯。在這方面,德國社會學者伊里亞斯的 思想背景是一個未歸類的狀態。由對目的論、機械論的批判;以及對 變遷之「連續性」、「方向性」的強調;還有動態的分類原則,本文 認為,伊里亞斯的「過程」與柏格森的「創造進化」兩者的思想邏輯 具有系統性的相似。雖然無法進一步證明伊里亞斯受到柏格森哲學的 影響,但本文做了一個理論思想的新探索,嘗試更深一步挖掘伊里亞 斯的思想背景,或許能對伊里亞斯的研究做另一個角度的貢獻。


The construction of theory in certain degree is inevitably influenced by the trends of philosophical ideas, just like the basis of Marx’s methodology originates from Hegel’s Philosophy which plays an active role together with Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger involved in modern/post-modern controversy through the twentieth century. From this point of view, the theoretical sources of the Germen sociologist Norbert Elias have not been investigated and stay nowadays obscurely.
But by the comparison between Elias’ ideas of social change and the once very influential philosophy of Henri Bergson this underlying paper would claim that the concept of “Process” by Elias has many affinities with the “creative evolution” of Bergson, such as the critiques of teleological and mechanistic thoughts in the social theories, the essential continuity of change, the ascent and descent movements while changes arise and finally the principles of classification for a dynamic changing universe lead us to the significance that the both concepts of change could be systematic alike.
Though we can not prove toward that Elias has actually accepted the Bergsonian ideas to build his notion of social change, this paper could be an exploration in order to investigate the theoretical sources of Norbert Elias, and expectantly be subservient to the studies of Elias from another perspective.
