
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 從日常戰術到「新革命主體」:論de Certeau 、Holloway 與Negri 筆下的權力與抵抗
卷期 20
並列篇名 From Everyday Tactics to the “New Revolutionary Subject”: Power and Resistance à la Michel de Certeau,John Holloway and Antonio Negri and Beyond
作者 萬毓澤
頁次 057-131
關鍵字 戰略戰術諸眾反權力制憲力抵抗內在性strategytacticmultitudeanti-powerconstituent powerresistanceimmanenceTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200703


法國史學家Michel de Certeau對「日常生活」實踐的重視,及其 對戰略與戰術的區分,可謂開「微觀政治實踐」風氣之先,因此本文 先由他的理論著手,並帶出其理論中所蘊含的Deleuze式生機論與内 在性哲學。由此出發,本文相繼引介了當代「自主主義」運動/思潮 中的兩位代表人物Antonio Negri及John Holloway對權力、抵抗與新 革命主體的看法,並將之與Deleuze式哲學及相關法政哲學交叉對 照。從「文化研究」學界所大量運用的de Certeau,到對全球正義運 動頗具影響力的Negri與Holloway,他們之間的差異雖然不可小 覷,但本文試圖梳理出其一致與相互補充之處。本文接著試圖根據當 前左翼對全球正義運動的參與、觀察與批判,來為另一種權力與抵抗 觀奠定基礎。其中我指出,權能(potentia)與權力(potestas)、制憲 力與憲定權、power-to與power-over的截然二分或許有重新思考的 必要;激進左翼必須更正視國家權力,並更審慎地思考民主的制度安 排問題;de Certeau之重戰術、輕戰略的取徑,雖然有其積極意義, 但在全球正義運動蓬勃發展的今天,亦有重新詮釋的空間。本文最後 討論了兩種「戰略思考」的意義,盼能引起更多的討論與對話。


The French historian Michel de Certeau’s emphasis upon “everyday” practice (e.g. usage and consumption) and his distinction between strategy and tactic, arguably paves the way for what is now known as “micropolitical practice”. This essay therefore begins by exploring de Certeau’s theory, bringing out the Deleuzian vitalism and philosophy of immanence implicit in it. Theories of power and resistance a la two important figures of contemporary autonomism, Antonio Negri and John Holloway, are thereby introduced and compared with Deleuzian philosophy and related political philosophy. Theoretical differences do exist between de Certeau, whose ideas are fervently appropriated by cultural and media studies, and Negri and Holloway, who exert considerable influence upon the global justice movement, but this essay attempts to outline their affinities and the possibilities of their crossfertilization. Based upon the participation in and critique of the global justice movement by the international radical left, this essay then aims to provide alternative conceptions of power and resistance. In doing so I argue that the binary opposition of potentia/potestas, constituent power/constituted power, and power-to/power-over is untenable; the radical left has to take state power and institutional arrangements of democracy more seriously; de Certeau’s approach to strategy and tactic, despite its originality, also needs to be reformulated in an era of global resistance. Finally two levels of “strategic thinking” are discussed with a hope to stimulate discussion and debates.
