
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 女性主義立場論的主體與權力問題
卷期 21
並列篇名 Inquiry into the Questions of Subject and Power of Feminist Standpoint Theory
作者 王孝勇
頁次 089-146
關鍵字 女性主義立場論主體性別展演論對話主義權力feminist standpoint theorysubjectgender performativitydialogismpowerTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200706


本文旨在從後結構主義探討女性主義立場論的主體與權力問題, 以藉此推敲及延伸其政治性。首先,透過「局外人是誰?」「在局内 的局外人對體制進行意識形態批評意味著什麼?」「擬情如何可能?」 等三個發問,本文指出其中隱含的「女人經驗及女『性』的本質化與 同一化」、「批評者主體(位置)的透明化與權威化」等「去政治化」 的傾向。其次,藉由傅柯以及傅柯式女性主義者Judith Butler對於主 體形構過程的討論,本文主張將「權力關係」融入「立場」、以「女 性主義者的主體形構」置換「女性主義者/立場論者」,理論化立場 論的部分政治宣稱。最後,本文參考俄國語言哲學家Mikhail Bakhtin 的「對話主義」,對傅柯理論中無法解決的研究偷理問題提出初步的 補充說明,並統整前述的討論,提出「批評即展演」、「擬情即雙聲 表述」的一組新的政治問題作為結語。


This essay aims to elaborate and extend feminist standpoint theory by exploring its problems of subject and power. Fist of all, by bringing out three questions, namely “who is outsider?” “what does outsiders within mean?” “how is empathy possible?”, this essay points out the tendency of “de-politicization” of standpoint theory. Secondly, based on Michel Foucault’s interrogation of the “transcendent subject”, Judith Butler’s theory of gender performance, and Mikhail Bakhtin’s dialogism, this essay re-conceptualizes classical discussions of “standpoint” by including “power relations” and displaces “feminist/standpoint theorist” with “subject formation of feminist”. Finally, this essay suggests reactivating standpoint theory by proposing a set of new political questions such as “critique as a performance” and “empathy as a double-voiced utterance”.
