
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 社會學中的社會變遷想像
卷期 22
並列篇名 The Imagie of Social Changes in the Sociology
作者 魯貴顯
頁次 235-264
關鍵字 社會變遷速度化時間溝通測度social changetemporalizationtimecommunicationmeasurementTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200709


社會變遷研究基本上是依靠著物體運動的想像,並將社會視為一 種恆定存在的對象,而所謂的變化或變遷其實是來自於與恆定者的對 照,並且可以以刻度時間測量。此種看法是時間概念演化的一個結 果,也就是時間速度化與時間的歷史化的結果。所謂的變遷以某種時 間概念為前提。社會學中的社會變遷想法並未以此為出發點,在時間 面向上思考變遷問題,反而,以因果關連、物的範圍與運動、時間序 列、方向等等方式,再度遮掩時間面向,尤其是速度化。本文將社會 學中的社會變遷概念視為一種關於變遷的溝通,並展示出這種溝通的 基本區別,藉以指出另一種談論變化或變遷的可能。


The studies of social changes rely on the imagination of movement of objects, and consider the society as a constant existence. Accordingly the so called change resulted from the comparison with something constant and can be measured. We can put such viewpoint into a evolutionary process of social thoughts and semantics. This is the product of temporalization and historization of time in the modern society. The so called “change” must presuppose some concept of time. Sociology of social changes hardly takes the changes of concepts of time into account. In other words, it can not consider the phenomenon of social changes on the time dimension but concieve this dimension with causality, scope, movement of things, time sequence and direction etc. For systems theory, the concept of social change could be treated as a communication about changes in our society. After indicating some fundamental distinctions in the communication about changes we are able to suggest other possibilities of social changes studies.
