
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 新興風險治理典範之芻議
卷期 22
並列篇名 Reflexive Discussion on New Risk Governance Paradigm
作者 周桂田
頁次 179-233
關鍵字 科研跨界風險全球化風險風險治理隱匿風險決策文化民主程序歐盟IRGCtechnological R&Dtransboundary riskglobalizational riskrisk governancehidden riskpolicy-making culturedemocratic procedureEUIRGCTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200709


新興科研與各種跨界的環境、食物、疫病威脅構成了綿密互動的 全球化風險,因此,嚴厲的挑戰既存之國家風險治理模式與能耐。尤 其,在上半個四分之一世紀傳統技術官僚偏重的專家政治與專業諮詢 委員會之決策,以及其權威、中心式的風險評估與溝通模式,由於無 法因應日趨複雜的科研生產或跨界風險的治理需求,面臨改弦易轍。 特別是,當面對這些複雜、多元、分散、涉及科技安全之外之健康、 社會、偷理風險爭議,由於需要社會高度的接受與信任基礎,治理與 評估模式則需發展更多元化、多層次化的專業審查,同時,納入更多 社會感知與觀點,並進行民主決策程序。因此,本文主要的目的在於 分析與討論國際上新興風險治理典範的發展趨勢,並批判性的反思在 地社會長期以來之隱匿風險結構與決策文化,建構性的思考我國未來 風險治理的發展出路。


New technological R&D and all kinds of transboundary environmental, food and disease threats form interconnected globalizational risks. Therefore, state risk governance models and capabilities are under severe challenge. In particular, at the beginning of this century, traditional technocrats tended to rely on the decision-making of professional advisory committees and authoritative risk assessment and communication models. Since they lacked the governance capability to deal with more complicated transboundary technological R&D and risks, the policies they made are considered unreliable and changeable. More, while facing health, social and ethical risk disputes which are complex, diversified, distributed and involve technological safety, high social acceptance and social trust, are even more significant. Governance and assessment models should be more diversified, as should multi-layer professional reviews. Meanwhile, social perception and opinions from various perspectives should also be taken into consideration in the process of democratic policy-making. This article aims to analyze and discuss the international development trend of a new risk governance paradigm, to critically reflect the long-term hidden and delayed risk structure and policy-making culture of Taiwanese local society, and to structurally deliberate the future direction of Taiwan’s risk governance.
