
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 對於性交易的刑法觀點—— 兼評大法官釋字第623號解釋
卷期 23
並列篇名 Analyzing the Sexual Transaction from the Angle of Criminal Law- Also Covering J.Y. Interpretation No. 623
作者 黃榮堅
頁次 179-219
關鍵字 性交易性工作法益危險犯性自主權合憲化解釋sex tradesex worklegal interestdangerous offendersexual autonomyconstitutional interpretationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200712


在沒有參雜其他因素的情況下,性交易本身對於他人無害,所以 法律上或甚至道德上都沒有禁止的理由。性交易對於兒童或少年可能 造成的傷害,狹義刑法已經有完備的防制規範,因此兒童及少年性交 易防制條例實質上的意義僅存於剷除性交易意識。然而,既然性交易 應該是合法的工作型態,性交易意識的淨空就不再可能是刑法概念上 的法益,而此一條例的正當性基礎也已經蕩然無存。


If we leave other relevant issues aside,the sexual transaction itself is harmless. Therefore,it is not justifiable to prohibit the sexual transaction either in law or in morality. As to the harm the sex transaction can bring to children and juveniles, our criminal law has already had a thorough preventive system. It thus leaves the Child and Juvenile Sexual Transaction Prevention Act the only role to deter people’s desire to engage in this kind of transaction. Since the sex transaction is lawful,to deter the desire to engage in the transaction is inconsistent with the goal of the criminal law. This act has consequently lost its legitimacy.
