
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 海耶克自由主義的證成途徑:社會演化之方法論典範
卷期 23
並列篇名 The Hayekian Approach to the Justification of Liberalism: A Paradigm for the Research of Social Evolution
作者 李世榮
頁次 123-178
關鍵字 海耶克自由主義自發秩序社會演化論Hayekliberalismspontaneous ordersocial evolutionary theoryTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200712


本文從方法論的觀點展示海耶克自由主義的證成(justification) 途徑。第一,辨識海耶克前後期學術思想在理論方法上的演變。其 次,闡述海氏自發秩序理論與社會演化論互為經緯之脈絡,釐清其演 化論及以之證成自由主義所遭遇的一些根本誤解。第三,總結海氏自 由主義的特色,在以維護社會演化之「自由道德傳統」為手段追求發 展文明之續效,點出護持社會制度演化大業之「元原則」(metadoctrine) 以確保此傅統之生生不息。


The study shows Hayek’s evolutionary approach to the justification of liberalism. Firstly, it distinguishes a significant change in the methodological paradigm between Hayek’ earlier and later phases of social theories. Secondly, it demonstrates Hayek’s social evolutionary theory which is mutually complementary to the theory of spontaneous order, and thereby clarifies some vital criticisms of his evolutionary theory and his evolutionary approach to the justification of liberalism. Thirdly, it argues that the Hayekian liberalism may be viewed as an attempt to promote the development of civilization by means of preserving the moral institutions of liberty, and to promote the spontaneous evolution of such institutions in accordance with the course of liberty by imposing on it a set of meta-doctrines that are essential to the moral tradition of liberty.
