
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 全球在地化風險典範之衝突──生物特徵辨識作為全球鐵的牢籠
卷期 24
並列篇名 Glocalizational Conflict in Risk Paradigm ─Biometrics as a Global Iron Cage
作者 周桂田
頁次 101-189
關鍵字 生物辨識識別辨識追蹤晶片護照資訊風險技術官僚風險決策管制文化社會信任biometricsRFIDchip passportinformation risktechnocratregulatory culture of risk policy-makingsocial trustTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200803


隨著國際發展趨勢,我國政府在晶片護照、大陸人士通關政策或校 園監控上,潛在規劃或逐步實施生物辨識技術及識別辨識追蹤系統 (RFID)。但由於生物辨識技術系統涉及高度敏感的個人及族群之生物 資料及行動紀錄的收集與建置,不但在國際上引發了社會風險的爭議, 也直接影響到我國公民的權益。鑑於此,本文將就我國仍在規劃、推動 階段之際,以「中間考察」的形式就在地社會之風險決策與治理結構進 行前揭式的探討,以為檢討生物辨識技術政策未來的實施衝擊。
除了討論該技術之效益與全球化資訊風險的本質,本研究將整理 分析現行我國特殊的風險治理結構與文化問題,包括技術官僚忽略與 延遲社會風險的決策模式、在地社會嚴重的資料外洩問題、制度上對 隱私權利保障的闕漏,是否可能進一步的透過生物辨識技術將國民帶 向更為脆弱的風險個人化情境。同時,我們探問公民社會在威權決策 與專家政治結構的緊箍咒中,是否具有批判、監督與參與的能耐;我 們將檢視近十年來公民社會的反資訊風險運動(反國民卡、健保IC 卡、反按捺指紋)所構成的典範鬥爭與遞移對這波新興風險的回應意 義。最後,本文同時將透過公眾對生物及醫療資訊風險感知與社會信 任的研究調查,審視我國發展相關生物辨識技術系統的挑戰。特別 是,透過鑲嵌於社會脈絡中的風險治理問題結構、決策與管制文化、 脆弱的社會信任與感知分析,初步的反省公民審議理念之實踐問題。


With the development of international trends, the Taiwanese government has been slowly planning and introducing biometrics and RFID for management of chip passports; immigration policy for Mainland Chinese entering Taiwan, and campus monitoring. However, since biometrics involves the collection and establishment of highly sensitive personal and racial biological information records, disputes regarding social risk have occurred at a global level, which in turn directly influences citizen rights of Taiwanese people. In light of this, this article provides insightful discussions on policy-making and governance structure of glocalizational risks at the stage of formulation and promotion, in order to evaluate the actual future impact that biometrics may have on society.
Besides discussing the effectiveness of biometrics and the essence of globalizational information risk, this article also analyzes the special risk governance structure and culture of Taiwan, such as the technocratic policy-making model which ignores and delays social risks, serious information leaks in local society, institutional fault in privacy protection, and whether biometrics will force citizens into a weaker risk individualization situation. This article also questions the ability of civil society kept in trammels of authoritative policy-making and expert politics to supervise and participate in risk governance. Also, this article examines the meanings resulting from paradigm disputes and shift in this new wave of risks, such as anti-information-risk movements of the past decade (antiNational Card, anti-Health Insurance IC Card, and anti-fingerprint stamping). Lastly, through surveys on public trust and public risk perception in medical and biological information risks, this article also examines challenges that Taiwan face in terms of biometrics technological development. In particular, by studying the risk governance structure, policy-making, regulatory culture, weak social trust and perception analysis embedded in local society, this article reflects on how to practice public deliberation.
