
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 論哈伯瑪斯的「後世俗社會」與世俗化中的宗教問題
卷期 24
並列篇名 On Habermas’ “Post-Secular Society”, Religion and Secularization
作者 曾慶豹
頁次 069-100
關鍵字 啟蒙宗教後世俗社會反思動力轉譯enlightenmentreligionpost-secularthe thrust of reflectiontranslationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200803


911以後,哈伯瑪斯非常熱衷於對宗教的討論,頻頻與神學家和 宗教人士對話,甚至有人以為哈伯瑪斯近期的思想表現出所謂的「宗 教轉向」。本文持否定的態度,從追溯他總結西方理性化歷程的《溝 通行動理論》到近日主要使用的「後世俗社會」一詞,哈伯瑪斯並未 放棄或改變他原先所抱持的啟蒙態度,只是在面臨一連串經由宗教所 引起的全球事件以及日愈增長的宗教熱,使他不得不承認宗教的力 量,問題在於如何中肯地面對宗教,同時又進一步促進啟蒙的大業, 這即是「後世俗社會」所描述出來的「轉譯」和「反思動力」的問題 所在。


After 911, Jurgen Habermas becomes very interested in discussing religious issues, and he starts to have talks with theologians and people in the field of religions. Some people even think Habermas has a kind of “religious turn” recently in his thoughts lately. However, this article disagrees with such assessment. Tracing Habermas’ Theory of Communicative Action which summarized the process of western rationalization in early days to the recent idea of “post-secular society” in his thoughts, Habermas never gives up or changes his attitude of rationality. Nevertheless, the world becomes more influenced by religions and this makes Habermas cannot deny the power of religions. Thus he decided to deal with religious issues apropos the project of enlightenment. This is the issue described in the “post-secular society” relating to “translation” and “the thrust of reflection”.
