
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 權力的身體與消費的身體:以身體為媒介的考察
卷期 25
並列篇名 The Political Body & the Consuming Body:A Study on the Body as Medium
作者 齊偉先
頁次 089-142
關鍵字 身體媒介消費權力認同技藝現代性bodymediumconsumptionpowerindentitytechniquemodernityTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200806


20世紀八〇年代後大量出現的身體研究,大致可分為兩條進路 來理解,一是突顯權力面向的身體規訓,一是強調品味面向的身體消 費。前者的中心概念是治理性(governmentality),談微觀物理學、 生物政治(biopolitics)。後者處理的核心則是自我認同(self-identity) 問題,討論個人品味、流行風潮。看似兩條相對反的研究進路,但其 背後卻有其內在的關聯,本論文試圖在理論的層次上說明這兩股「研 究風潮」背後所展現現代社會的特徵。論文分析中,本文將說明引入 「形式(form) /媒介(medium)」的可能行及必要性,並依此來說 明「身體」已成為現代社會建構媒介的觀察,並進一步將這觀察視為 是現代社會建構的重要特徵。此外,本文透過理論架構也觸及了一個 社會哲學的重要課題,亦即社會中倫理論述及美學論述的內在關聯, 討論中本文將試圖彰顯這兩造之間的內在關聯。


Since 1980, a significant amount of researches on the body have appeared in the study of sociology, which show two approaches. One emphasizes the political aspect and treats the body as the disciplined object. Its key notion is the “governmentality”, which draws attention to topics of the microphysics and the biopolitics. The other approach views the body as an expressive figure which constructs its self-identity through “consumption”. The two approaches appear to contradict each other, wherein we can find, however, their inherent relations. I will apply the concept of “form/medium” in the analysis and try to contend that the body has become the medium in the modern social construction. In addition, the social philosophical issue concerning the relations between Ethics and Aesthetics shall be discussed in this paper.
