
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 資本主義「精神」在中國:韋伯學說的當代意義
卷期 26
並列篇名 The “Spirit” of Capitalism in China:Contemporary Meanings of Weber’s Thought
作者 顧忠華
頁次 001-054
關鍵字 韋伯資本主義精神經濟倫理中國資本主義中國崛起Max Weberthe spirit of Capitalismeconomic ethicChinese Capitalismthe rise of ChinaTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200809


中國進行改革開放的經濟政策已經將近30年,在各種學術專業 領域中,討論中國經濟發展及其後果的論文已是汗牛充楝,本文試圖 應用德國社會學家韋伯(Max Weber, 1864-1920)的學說理論,來理 解中國近年來明顯走向市場經濟及資本主義發展途徑的經驗現象。韋 伯的經典之作《新教偷理與資本主義精神》出版至今已逾百年,他對 於資本主義的獨到見解仍然膾炙人口,但是也面臨許多新興現象的挑 戰,其中之一便是中國近年來快速的經濟成長。本文主張,我們有必 要重新檢證韋伯有關資本主義構成要素的看法一尤其他強調「經濟 偷理」與「精神」的部分一這可幫助我們思考中國經濟是否真正全 面建立了資本主義的運作體系,包括物質和精神雙重的面向。透過對 於韋伯學說的重新詮釋,不僅可以釐清所謂「中國崛起」的真相,亦 能夠豐富我們探討周遭世界變遷的分析觀點。


There are already a rich plurality of theses on the policies and implications of China’s Economic Reform across various academic disciplines. This essay attempts to apply the theories of the German sociologist Max Weber (1864-1920) to understand China’s experience of heading towards market economy and capitalist development. Weber’s magnum opus The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism now has hundred years of age. Whilst it continues to provide us with a lucid account on capitalism, it also faces a lot of unforeseen challenges, one of which is China’s rapid economic growth in recent years. In order to grip firmly the relationships between Weber’s theory and the empirical experience, one must re-examine Weber’s perspective on what constitutes capitalism. Of particular importance is his emphasis on “economic ethic” (Wirtschaftsethik) and “spirit” (Geist), which we can use to ponder if the Chinese economy has fully established the mechanisms of a capitalistic system, both materially and spiritually. A re-interpretation of Weber’s thought will not only enables us to formulate the truth of the so-called “the rise of China”, it also enriches our analytic perspectives for investigating into the changes of the world.
