
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 霍布斯的神學政治觀
卷期 27
並列篇名 Theological Politics of Hobbes
作者 鍾立文
頁次 051-104
關鍵字 《利維坦》自然法唯意志論主權者盟約論神學中保政治的身體Leviathannatural lawvoluntarismsovereigncovenant theologymediatorbody politicTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200812


本文檢視《利維坦》中政治理論與神學教義之間的相互影響。身 為一位虔誠的聖公會教徒,霍布斯使用《聖經》以及神學教義來補充 並闡明其政治理論。他使用該隱的《聖經》例子說明自然狀態的意 義。霍布斯的自然法理論繼承唯意志論傳統,而非唯理智論傳統。這 說明他的自然狀態與自然法都與希臊哲學的自然概念大相逕庭。此 外,唯意志論也說明自然權利出自於上帝的命令,即自然法。唯意志 論和盟約論神學一起塑造出霍布斯的主權者概念。因為主權者具有政 治的身體,所以他是人世間的中保,也是國家意志的代表。霍布斯強 調得救唯一所需的是相信耶穌是基督,但是基督的王國不在今世。主 權者必須同時作為國家與教會的元首,以避免因神學爭執所引發對於和平的威脅。


This paper surveys the interplay between political theories and theological doctrine in Leviathan. As a devout Anglican, Thomas Hobbes supplements and clarifies his political theory by the Bible and theological doctrine. He cites the story about Cain in the Bible to explain the state of nature. Rather than intellectualism, the theoretical basis of Hobbes’ natural law follows that of conventional voluntarism, which implies that the state of nature and natural law are widely distinct from the concept of nature in Greek philosophy. In addition,voluntarism proposes that natural right comes from the command of God,i.e.,natural law. Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes’ conceptualization of sovereign. Since the sovereign possesses “body politic”, he is the “mediator” of the world and the representative of state will. Hobbes emphasizes the unum necessarium of salvation is to believe in that “Jesus is the Christ”, but also that “the kingdom of Christ is not of this world”. The sovereign serves as the head both of church and state in order to avoid the threat against peace due to theological controversy.
