
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 性交易該除罪化嗎?對性別平等論證的幾點省思
卷期 27
並列篇名 Should Sexual Transaction be Decriminalized? Some Reflections on the Arguments from Gender Equality
作者 陳宜中
頁次 001-050
關鍵字 性交易除罪化賣淫性別平等性宰制sexual transactiondecriminalizationprostitutiongender equalitysexual dominationTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200812


成人性交易的除罪化與否,近年來引發了諸多爭議。部分除罪化 論者表示:除罪化(亦即「娼嫖皆不罰」)有利於賣淫婦女的人權保 障,有助於打擊性產業所包藏的諸多罪惡,如強制賣淫、高度性剥 削、強暴及虐待等情事。部分關切兩性平等的反除罪化論者則強調: 那些罪惡是賣淫體制的當然產物;賣淫體制具有高度的強制性;性交 易是一種男人對女人的性宰制、性剥削、性暴力,嚴重侵害了女性的 平等地位和性自主權利。通過對這些性別平等論證的分析,本文將申 論指出:當前以男嫖女娼為大宗的賣淫體制,的確可以理解為一種男 人對女人的性/別宰制;但即使如此,除罪化(此指「合意的成人 性交易無罪」、「娼嫖皆不罰」)仍是合理的改革選項。直接禁止性交 易,未必有利於性別平等;而「娼嫖皆不罰」將有助於政府對性產業 進行更有效的管制,對性犯罪進行更有效的打擊。從促進性別平等、 為婦女培力的角度,既然賣淫體制難以禁絕,如若「娼嫖皆不罰」
(相對於「罰娼」、「罰嫖」或「娼嫖皆罰」)更有助於改善弱勢賣淫 婦女的不利處境,且未必妨礙性別平等之推進,那我們將有相當強的 政治道德理由去支持這個改革路徑。


Should consensual sexual transaction between adults be decriminalized? Many proponents of decriminalization contend that the legal prohibition on prostitution, far from promoting gender equality, has had enormous negative effects on sex workers in general and female prostitutes in particular. Decriminalization, it is often added, could help combat such evils as forced prostitution, sexual exploitation by pimps, abuse by the police, sexual violence by customers, etc. Nonetheless, many radical feminists insist that prostitution be condemned as an institution of male sexual domination that seriously violates women’s right to equal status and sexual autonomy. Thus conceived, prostitution must necessarily be abolished instead of being normalized through decriminalization. This paper argues, partly with radical feminists, that prostitution as it exists today could indeed be criticized as an institution of male sexual domination. Given, however, that this institution could hardly be abolished via prohibition, decriminalization remains a reasonable reform strategy even if we take seriously the feminist arguments from gender equality. Important though the feminist critique of prostitution is, decriminalization in itself might not be as detrimental to gender equality as many radical feminists would have it.
